Fundamentals of human design that change your life and enable you live it to the full. Type’s strategy, inner authority, not-self patterns, strength and influence, social profile are included. If you have any particular request, you’ll get a comprehensive response assembled through all basic features.
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A comprehensive overview of your coming year (from birthday to birthday). We’ll dive into the main topics and themes of the year, go through main lessons and changes, look into 4 specific periods. You’ll get an advise on how to meet the moment of solar return and how to prepare to it correctly.
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There are 26 gated/activations/keys in your bodygraph. Each one is connected to a planet, which reflects the sphere where all aspects of the key are applicable. While navigating between the planets, we’ll look into all gene keys of your chart and connect them to lines, which represent your special role in world.
This is the most complex and inspiring reading, that will change your relation to self.
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Unique and authentic reading focused on all aspects of a personal brand, that are sourced from your bodygraph. It is a very detailed and customized algorithm for composing an individual presentation and promotion strategy. Whether you run your own project or work for a company, this reading will emphasis your strengths and distinguish those features of your design, that lead to professional fulfillment.
Reading includes color scheme and social feed examples for reference.
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